Monday, May 20, 2013

Colds and rainy days

This morning I woke with a full-blown head cold, I just wanted to stay in bed and snooze all day, alas this is one of my two days I don't work and get to spend with Little Miss A. 

So I dragged my cold-sodden body out of bed, made breakfast, had a shower, then out of the house in the cold and wet to buy Little Miss A a pair of winter boots (those growing feet need some supporting).

 I thought it would be nice to go for a walk in the rain to the park close by and test out those new boots.

 Little Miss A had reservations and her uncertainty turned out to be correct, with a huge flash of lightening and clap of thunder she was ready to head back to the car and home.

I on the other hand was getting a second wind, I think the cool, fresh air was clearing my coldy head.

 Girls with cool boots stick together.

Grumpy-pants Murphy wanted to go home....

...and have an 'inside picnic', and so that is what we did. x


  1. Heehee! I love the last photo of you both. I think I tend to look a little like Miss A when I've been outside in the cold rain for too long. ;)

    I hope you're starting to feel better.

    1. Yes Teresa a priceless face :)

      I'm just pushing through the sickness barrier, fingers crossed it will be gone soon.

  2. "Girls with cool boots stick together"! Very well said! Love your blog!! XO

    1. Thanks Susanne, I now have access to a proper camera and am back on track. So pleased you enjoy reading it. X

  3. Your gorgeous daughter is a mini you!

    1. Aww thanks Erica, it's nice to hear as everyone says she looks like my husband :) x
